A Comprehensive Guide to Level Sensors: Types, Advantages, and Installation


A Comprehensive Guide to Level Sensors: Types, Advantages, and Installation 

Level Sensors: Types, Advantages, and Installation
Level Sensors: Types, Advantages, and Installation

I. Introduction to Level Sensors

Level sensors are devices used to detect and measure the level of liquids, powders, or granular materials in a container or vessel. They play a critical role in industrial processes where accurate level measurement is essential for efficient and safe operations. There are several different types of level sensors available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right type for a particular application can be challenging. In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive overview of level sensors, including the different types, their advantages and disadvantages, and important considerations for installation and maintenance.

A. Definition and Purpose

Level sensors are instruments that are designed to measure and detect the level of fluids, powders, or granular materials in a container or vessel. They are used in various industrial and commercial applications, such as chemical processing, oil and gas, food and beverage production, and water treatment. The purpose of a level sensor is to provide accurate and reliable measurements of the material level, which is essential for maintaining optimal process control and preventing overfilling or underfilling of the container or vessel. The data collected by level sensors can also be used for inventory management, quality control, and regulatory compliance.


B. Importance of Level Sensors

Level sensors are devices that are used to detect the level of liquids or solids in a container. They are important in many industries, including chemical processing, food and beverage production, and water treatment. Here are some reasons why level sensors are so important:

Safety: Level sensors can help prevent spills and leaks by detecting when a container is getting too full. This can help avoid dangerous situations that could cause harm to people or the environment.

Efficiency: Level sensors can help automate processes by signaling when it's time to refill or empty a container. This can improve production efficiency and reduce waste.

Cost savings: Level sensors can help prevent overfilling or underfilling, which can be expensive in terms of lost product or additional clean-up costs. They can also reduce the need for manual monitoring, which can save on labor costs.

Accuracy: Level sensors provide precise and reliable measurements, which is important for maintaining product quality and consistency.

Regulatory compliance: Many industries have regulations regarding the handling and storage of liquids and solids. Level sensors can help ensure compliance by monitoring levels and alerting operators when levels are too high or too low.

C. Types of Level Sensors

  1. Contact Level Sensors
  2. Non-Contact Level Sensors
  3. Point Level Sensors
  4. Continuous Level Sensors


II. Contact Level Sensors

A. Introduction

Contact level sensors are devices used to measure and monitor the level of liquid or solid materials in tanks, silos, and other storage vessels. These sensors operate by making physical contact with the substance being measured and can be either invasive or non-invasive.

Invasive contact level sensors are installed directly into the storage vessel and come in different forms such as floats, probes, and rods. These sensors measure the level of the substance by sensing the physical contact made by the sensor with the material. Invasive sensors are ideal for measuring the level of liquids, slurries, and granular materials.

Non-invasive contact level sensors, on the other hand, do not require physical contact with the material being measured. These sensors work by using technologies such as ultrasonic, radar, and capacitive sensing to measure the level of the material without being in direct contact with it. Non-invasive sensors are ideal for measuring the level of materials that are hazardous or difficult to access.

Contact level sensors are commonly used in various industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, and water treatment. They are essential in ensuring accurate and reliable measurement of material levels, which is critical for process control and inventory management.

B. Types of Contact Level Sensors

  1. Float Level Sensors
  2. Conductive Level Sensors
  3. Capacitive Level Sensors
  4. Ultrasonic Level Sensors
  5. Radar Level Sensors

1. Float Level Sensors:

These sensors are designed to float on the surface of the liquid being measured. As the liquid level changes, the float moves up or down, activating a switch or sensor that indicates the level of the liquid.

Working Principle:

Float level sensors are commonly used to measure liquid levels in tanks and vessels. The working principle of a float level sensor is based on the buoyancy of a float that rises or falls with the level of liquid in the tank.

The sensor consists of a float that is attached to a rod or cable. The float is typically made of a material with a specific gravity that is less than the liquid being measured, such as plastic or foam. As the liquid level rises, the float rises with it and lifts the rod or cable. This movement is then transmitted to a sensor or switch, which detects the position of the float and determines the level of liquid in the tank.

The function of a float level sensor is to provide an accurate and reliable measurement of the liquid level in a tank or vessel. The sensor can be used to provide continuous monitoring of the liquid level or to trigger an alarm or control system when the level reaches a specific point.

Float level sensors are simple and inexpensive to install and operate, making them a popular choice for many liquid level measurement applications. They can be used with a wide range of liquids, including water, oils, and chemicals. However, float level sensors may not be suitable for measuring levels in deep tanks or for liquids that are prone to turbulence or waves. In addition, the float may become stuck or damaged in certain liquids, which can affect the accuracy of the measurement. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the float and checking the sensor for damage or wear, is recommended to ensure reliable operation.


  • Simple and reliable operation
  • Inexpensive
  • Suitable for a wide range of liquids


  • Limited to measuring liquid levels only
  • May be affected by turbulence or waves in the liquid
  • Can become stuck or damaged in certain liquids

2. Conductive Level Sensors

Conductive level sensors are used to measure the level of conductive liquids in a tank or vessel. The working principle of a conductive level sensor is based on the electrical conductivity of the liquid being measured.

Working Principle:

The sensor consists of one or more probes that are made of a conductive material, such as stainless steel. The probes are placed at different levels in the tank, with the lower probe typically serving as the ground reference. When the liquid level rises and comes into contact with the probe, it creates a conductive path between the probes and completes an electrical circuit. The resistance of the circuit is measured by the sensor, and the level of the liquid is determined based on the resistance value.

The function of a conductive level sensor is to provide an accurate and reliable measurement of the liquid level in a tank or vessel. Conductive level sensors are suitable for measuring a wide range of conductive liquids, including water, acids, and caustic solutions. They can also be used for high-temperature or high-pressure applications, as long as the probes are made of a suitable material.

Conductive level sensors have some limitations, however. They are limited to measuring conductive liquids only and may not be suitable for measuring non-conductive liquids or solids. Additionally, buildup or scaling on the probes can affect the accuracy of the measurement, and the sensor may need to be calibrated for each specific liquid being measured. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the probes and checking for damage or wear, is recommended to ensure reliable operation.


  • Suitable for a wide range of liquids
  • Can be used for high-temperature or high-pressure applications
  • Highly accurate measurement


  • May be affected by buildup or scaling on the probes
  • Limited to measuring conductive liquids only
  • Requires calibration for each specific liquid

3. Capacitive Level Sensors:

These sensors work by using electrical conductivity to measure the level of a liquid. The sensor is made up of two or more probes that are placed at different levels in the liquid. When the liquid level reaches a certain point, the electrical circuit is completed, indicating the level of the liquid.

Working principle

Capacitive level sensors are used to measure the level of liquids in a tank or vessel. The working principle of a capacitive level sensor is based on the change in capacitance between two electrodes as the liquid level rises or falls.

The sensor consists of two electrodes that are typically made of a conductive material, such as metal plates. One electrode is placed at the bottom of the tank, while the other is placed at a higher level. When a voltage is applied to the electrodes, they form a capacitor. The capacitance of the capacitor changes as the liquid level rises and falls, which is detected by the sensor.

As the liquid level rises, the capacitance of the capacitor increases, and the sensor detects the change in capacitance. The sensor then converts the change in capacitance to a signal that corresponds to the liquid level in the tank.

The function of a capacitive level sensor is to provide an accurate and reliable measurement of the liquid level in a tank or vessel. Capacitive level sensors can be used to measure a wide range of liquids, including non-conductive liquids, such as oil or gasoline. They can also be used for high-temperature or high-pressure applications.

Capacitive level sensors have some limitations, however. They may be affected by buildup or scaling on the electrodes, which can affect the accuracy of the measurement. They can also be sensitive to changes in temperature or humidity, which can affect the capacitance of the capacitor. As a result, the sensor may need to be calibrated for each specific liquid being measured. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the electrodes and checking for damage or wear, is recommended to ensure reliable operation.


  • Highly accurate measurement
  • Suitable for a wide range of liquids, including non-conductive liquids
  • Can be used for high-temperature or high-pressure applications


  • May be affected by buildup or scaling on the probes
  • Can be sensitive to changes in temperature or humidity
  • Requires calibration for each specific liquid

4. Ultrasonic Level Sensors:

These sensors use sound waves to measure the level of a liquid. The sensor emits high-frequency sound waves that bounce off the surface of the liquid and return to the sensor. The time it takes for the sound waves to return is used to calculate the distance to the liquid surface, indicating the level of the liquid.

Working Principle

Ultrasonic level sensors are used to measure the level of liquids or solids in a tank or vessel. The working principle of an ultrasonic level sensor is based on the use of sound waves to determine the distance between the sensor and the liquid or solid being measured.

The sensor emits a high-frequency sound wave, typically in the ultrasonic range (above 20 kHz). The sound wave travels through the air and reflects off the surface of the liquid or solid being measured. The sensor then detects the reflected sound wave and calculates the distance between the sensor and the surface of the material.

The function of an ultrasonic level sensor is to provide an accurate and reliable measurement of the liquid or solid level in a tank or vessel. Ultrasonic level sensors are suitable for measuring a wide range of liquids and solids, including water, oil, chemicals, and powders. They can be used in applications where the material being measured is highly corrosive or abrasive, as the sensor does not come into contact with the material.

Ultrasonic level sensors have some limitations, however. They may be affected by the presence of foam, vapor, or turbulence on the surface of the material being measured, which can affect the accuracy of the measurement. Additionally, they may not be suitable for use in environments with high levels of ambient noise or where there are obstructions or barriers that could reflect the sound waves. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the sensor and checking for damage or wear, is recommended to ensure reliable operation.


  • Can be used for liquids, slurries, and solids
  • Can be used in hazardous or difficult-to-reach areas
  • Highly accurate measurement


  • May be affected by obstacles or obstructions in the tank
  • May be affected by changes in temperature or pressure
  • Can be sensitive to changes in the properties of the material being measured

5. Radar Level Sensors

Radar level sensors are devices that use radar technology to measure the level of a material in a container or vessel. They emit high-frequency signals towards the surface of the material, which bounce back off the material and return to the sensor. The time it takes for the signal to return is used to calculate the distance between the sensor and the material surface, and thus determine the level of the material in the container. Radar level sensors are commonly used in industrial applications to measure the level of liquids, powders, and granular materials in tanks, silos, and other vessels, and are preferred over other level measurement technologies because they are non-contact and can measure levels accurately and reliably even in harsh environments.

Working Principle

Radar level sensors work based on the principle of radar technology. These sensors use electromagnetic waves, typically in the microwave frequency range, to measure the level of a material in a container or vessel.

The radar level sensor emits a high-frequency signal towards the surface of the material in the container. This signal then bounces back off the material and returns to the sensor. The time it takes for the signal to return is used to calculate the distance between the sensor and the material surface.

The sensor then uses this distance measurement to determine the level of material in the container. The radar level sensor can also take into account the dielectric constant of the material being measured, which helps to accurately determine the level even when the material is non-conductive or has a low conductivity.

Radar level sensors are commonly used in industrial applications to measure the level of liquids, powders, and granular materials in tanks, silos, and other vessels. They are preferred over other level measurement technologies because they are non-contact and can measure levels accurately and reliably even in harsh environments, such as those with high temperatures, pressures, and dust or vapor concentrations.


  • Can be used for liquids, slurries, and solids
  • Highly accurate measurement
  • Suitable for use in harsh or hazardous environments


  • More expensive than other types of contact level sensors
  • Requires a clear line of sight to the material being measured
  • May be affected by buildup or scaling on the sensor

III. Non-Contact Level Sensors

A. Introduction

Non-contact level sensors are devices used to measure the level of liquids, powders, and granular materials in containers or vessels without physically touching the material. They work based on a variety of technologies, including ultrasonic, radar, laser, and optical sensing.

B. Types of Non-Contact Level Sensors

  1. Ultrasonic Level Sensors
  2. Radar Level Sensors
  3. Laser Level Sensors
  4. Optical Level Sensors
  5. Capacitance Level Sensors
  6. Magnetic Level Sensor
Ultrasonic Level Sensors

These sensors use sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and the material surface. They are preferred for their accuracy and ability to measure levels in harsh environments.

  • Accurate and reliable measurement
  • Works well with a wide range of materials
  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Can be used in harsh environments with high temperatures and pressures
  • Can be affected by air turbulence or foam
  • Limited accuracy when measuring very small distances
  • Sound waves can be reflected by angled or uneven surfaces
Radar Level Sensors
These sensors use electromagnetic waves, typically in the microwave frequency range, to measure the level of material in a container or vessel. They are preferred for their accuracy and ability to measure levels reliably even in harsh environments.

  • Accurate and reliable measurement
  • Works well with a wide range of materials
  • Can be used in harsh environments with high temperatures, pressures, and dust or vapor concentrations
  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Can be affected by interference from nearby objects or structures
  • Requires a clear line of sight to the material being measured
  • May require calibration for different materials or container shapes
Laser Level Sensors
These sensors use a laser beam to measure the distance between the sensor and the material surface. They are preferred for their accuracy and ability to measure levels of small or granular materials.

  • High accuracy measurement
  • Can measure small or granular materials
  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Can be used in hazardous environments
  • Limited range of measurement
  • Can be affected by dust or vapor concentrations in the air
  • May require calibration for different materials or container shapes
Optical Level Sensors
These sensors use infrared or visible light to measure the level of liquids or transparent materials.

  • High accuracy measurement
  • Can measure transparent liquids
  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Limited range of measurement
  • Can be affected by changes in the refractive index of the material being measured
  • Requires a clear line of sight to the material being measured

Capacitance Level Sensor
These sensors measure the change in capacitance between a probe and the material being measured to determine the level.

  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Can measure conductive and non-conductive materials
  • Can be affected by changes in the dielectric constant of the material being measured
  • Limited accuracy in measuring small distances
  • May require calibration for different materials or container shapes
Magnetic Level Sensors
These sensors use a magnetic field to measure the level of a liquid or powder material.

  • Can measure the level of a liquid or powder material
  • Non-invasive measurement that does not require contact with the material
  • Can be used in hazardous environments
  • Limited range of measurement
  • Can be affected by changes in the viscosity or magnetic properties of the material being measured
  • May require calibration for different materials or container shapes

IV. Point Level Sensors

A. Introduction

Point level sensors are devices used to detect the presence or absence of a material at a particular point or level within a tank, vessel, or container. These sensors are designed to provide a discrete signal when the material reaches a certain point or level, which is typically used to trigger an alarm, activate a pump or valve, or provide feedback to a control system.

Float Switches
Float switches are one of the most common types of point level sensors. They consist of a buoyant object attached to a switch that is activated when the object reaches a certain level in the tank.

  • Simple and reliable technology
  • Can be used with a wide range of liquids and chemicals
  • Inexpensive and easy to install
  • Can be affected by the viscosity of the material being detected
  • Can become stuck or jammed if not properly maintained
  • May not be suitable for high-pressure applications

Vibrating Forks:
Vibrating forks use a vibrating element that is placed in the tank or container. When the material reaches the element, the frequency of the vibration changes, triggering a switch.

  • Can detect both liquids and solids
  • Can be used in high-pressure applications
  • Require minimal maintenance

  • Limited to certain materials with specific densities
  • May be affected by buildup or coating on the vibrating element
  • Can be affected by the viscosity of the material being detected

V. Continuous Level Sensors

A. Introduction

Continuous level sensors are devices that measure and monitor the level of a substance in a container or tank in real-time. They provide continuous, non-contact monitoring of the level of liquids, powders, granular materials, and other substances, and are commonly used in industrial, commercial, and scientific applications.

Ultrasonic Level Sensors: 

These sensors use high-frequency sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and the surface of the substance being measured. They are non-contact, easy to install, and work well for liquids and some solids.

  • Non-contact measurement
  • Easy to install
  • Can measure liquids and some solids
  • Reasonably priced
  • Can be affected by temperature and humidity changes
  • Signal can be affected by foam, turbulence, or other obstacles in the tank

Radar Level Sensors: 
Radar sensors use radio waves to measure the level of a substance in a container. They are highly accurate and work well for liquids, powders, and granular materials.

  • Highly accurate
  • Can measure liquids, powders, and granular materials
  • Can penetrate through dust, vapor, and other obstacles
  • Can measure levels in very large containers
  • Expensive compared to other types of sensors
  • More complex to install and calibrate
Capacitive Level Sensors
Capacitive sensors measure the level of a substance by detecting changes in capacitance between two electrodes. They are ideal for measuring liquids and some powders.

  • Can measure liquids and some powders
  • Non-contact measurement
  • Can detect changes in level quickly
  • Signal can be affected by buildup on the sensor or container walls
  • Not as accurate as some other types of sensors

Laser Level Sensors
Laser sensors use lasers to measure the distance between the sensor and the surface of the substance being measured. They are highly accurate and work well for liquids, powders, and granular materials.

  • Highly accurate
  • Can measure liquids, powders, and granular materials
  • Non-contact measurement
  • Can measure levels in very large containers
  • Expensive compared to other types of sensors
  • Can be affected by obstacles in the tank
Magnetic Level Sensors
These sensors use a float with a magnet attached to it that rises and falls with the level of the substance being measured. A sensor outside the tank detects the position of the magnet and provides a level measurement. They are ideal for measuring liquids.

  • Can measure liquids
  • Simple and reliable technology
  • Low cost
  • Not suitable for measuring powders or granular materials
  • Limited accuracy
  • Can be affected by turbulence or vibrations

VI. Selection and Installation of Level Sensors

A. Factors to Consider in Choosing a Level Sensor

Substance being measured: The type of substance being measured will determine which type of level sensor is best suited for the application. Different sensors are better suited for liquids, powders, and granular materials.

Tank or container size and shape: The size and shape of the tank or container can impact the accuracy and effectiveness of certain types of level sensors. For example, a radar level sensor may be required for very large tanks, while an ultrasonic level sensor may be better suited for smaller containers.

Level measurement range: The range of the level measurement required should also be considered. Some sensors may only be able to measure a narrow range of levels, while others may be capable of measuring a wide range.

Environment: The environment in which the level sensor will be used should be taken into account. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of dust or other particles can impact the performance of certain sensors.

Accuracy requirements: The level of accuracy required for the application will also impact the choice of level sensor. Some sensors are capable of very precise measurements, while others may have a wider margin of error.

Installation and maintenance: The ease of installation and maintenance should also be considered when choosing a level sensor. Some sensors require more complex installation or calibration, while others may be easier to install and maintain.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best level sensor for your specific application, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements of the substance being measured.

B. Installation Considerations in level sensors

When it comes to installing level sensors, there are several considerations that must be taken into account to ensure proper functioning and accuracy of the sensor. Some of the key installation considerations for level sensors are:

Mounting location: The mounting location of the level sensor is critical for accurate measurement. It should be mounted in a position where the sensor can easily detect the liquid or material being measured, and where it is not affected by external factors such as vibration, temperature changes, or electromagnetic interference.

Orientation: The orientation of the level sensor must be considered, as some sensors are designed to work only in specific orientations. For example, some float sensors may only work vertically, while others can work horizontally or at an angle.

Material compatibility: The level sensor must be made of materials that are compatible with the liquid or material being measured. For example, if the liquid is corrosive, the sensor should be made of materials that are resistant to corrosion.

Calibration: Level sensors must be calibrated properly to ensure accurate measurement. Calibration should be done in the actual operating environment to account for variations in temperature, pressure, and other factors.

Wiring and electrical connections: The wiring and electrical connections of the level sensor must be done correctly to ensure reliable and safe operation. Wiring should be done according to the manufacturer's specifications and local electrical codes.

Maintenance and inspection: Level sensors must be regularly maintained and inspected to ensure proper functioning. Regular cleaning and calibration can help prevent sensor failure and inaccurate measurement.

Overall, careful consideration of the above factors is critical when installing level sensors to ensure accurate and reliable measurement of liquid or material levels.

C. Maintenance and Calibration

Maintenance and calibration are important for ensuring the accurate and reliable operation of level sensors. Here are some key points to keep in mind when it comes to maintaining and calibrating level sensors:


Regular cleaning: Level sensors can become dirty over time, which can affect their accuracy. Regular cleaning can help prevent this problem. The cleaning method will depend on the type of sensor being used, and the material being measured.

Inspect for damage: Check the level sensor regularly for any signs of damage, such as cracks or corrosion. If damage is found, the sensor should be repaired or replaced as necessary.

Check for proper mounting: Ensure that the level sensor is properly mounted and aligned. Vibrations, temperature changes, or physical impacts can cause misalignment or damage, so check the sensor regularly.

Inspect electrical connections: Check the electrical connections to the level sensor for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. Make sure all connections are secure and tight.



Calibrate regularly: Level sensors should be calibrated regularly to ensure accurate measurements. The frequency of calibration will depend on the specific sensor, its environment, and its application.

Use the correct equipment: Use calibration equipment that is appropriate for the sensor being calibrated. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure that the sensor is calibrated properly.

Calibrate in the operating environment: It is important to calibrate the level sensor in the operating environment to account for any variations in temperature, pressure, or other factors that could affect the sensor's accuracy.

Record calibration data: Record the calibration data, including the calibration date, the calibration method used, and the results of the calibration. This information can be used to track the performance of the sensor over time.

VII. Conclusion

A. Summary of  Key Points

Level sensors are devices used to measure and monitor the level of liquid or material in a container or tank. Some key points about level sensors are:

They are used in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and wastewater treatment.

There are different types of level sensors available including float sensors, ultrasonic sensors, capacitive sensors, and radar sensors, among others.

The selection of a level sensor depends on several factors including the material being measured, the operating environment, and the level of accuracy required.

Level sensors should be installed and calibrated correctly to ensure accurate measurement.

Maintenance and inspection of level sensors is important to prevent sensor failure and inaccurate measurement.

Some level sensors can also be used for controlling and automating processes, such as filling or draining a tank based on the level measurement.

Overall, level sensors are important devices for monitoring and controlling liquid or material levels in various applications.

B. Future Developments in Level Sensor Technology

Level sensor technology is constantly evolving, and there are several developments that we can expect to see in the future. Here are some of the potential developments in level sensor technology:

Advancements in wireless technology: Wireless level sensors are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer several benefits over traditional wired sensors. In the future, we can expect to see advancements in wireless technology that will make wireless sensors even more reliable, secure, and cost-effective.

Miniaturization: Miniaturization of level sensors will allow them to be used in smaller tanks and containers, as well as in applications where space is limited. Smaller sensors will also be easier to install and maintain.

Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT): Level sensors can be integrated with IoT platforms, allowing for remote monitoring and control of tank levels. In the future, we can expect to see more advanced IoT platforms that will allow for more efficient and automated control of tank levels.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze level sensor data and provide insights into tank levels and trends. AI can also be used to optimize tank levels based on historical data and current conditions.

Improved accuracy and reliability: As level sensor technology continues to improve, we can expect to see sensors that offer even greater accuracy and reliability. This will be especially important in applications where precise level measurements are critical.

Overall, the future of level sensor technology looks promising, with advancements in wireless technology, miniaturization, IoT integration, AI, and improved accuracy and reliability.


Table Of Contents

I. Introduction to Level Sensors

A. Definition and Purpose

B. Importance of Level Sensors

C. Types of Level Sensors

II. Contact Level Sensors

A. Introduction

B. Types of Contact Level Sensors

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Contact Level Sensors

III. Non-Contact Level Sensors

A. Introduction

B. Types of Non-Contact Level Sensors

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Contact Level Sensors

IV. Point Level Sensors

A. Introduction

B. Types of Point Level Sensors

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Point Level Sensors

V. Continuous Level Sensors

A. Introduction

B. Types of Continuous Level Sensors

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Continuous Level Sensors

VI. Selection and Installation of Level Sensors

A. Factors to Consider in Choosing a Level Sensor

B. Installation Considerations

C. Maintenance and Calibration

VII. Conclusion

A. Summary of  Key Points

B. Future Developments in Level Sensor Technology

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