Excel Data Analysis


Excel Data Analysis


Excel Data Analysis
Excel Data Analysis

    When spreadsheets first became widely available in the early 1980s, it spawned a revolution in teaching. What previously could only be done with arcane software and large scale computing was now available to the common-man, on a desktop. Also, before spreadsheets, most substantial analytical work was done outside the classroom where the tools were; spreadsheets and personal computers moved the work into the classroom. Not only did it change how the analysis curriculum was taught, but it also empowered students to venture out on their own to explore new ways to use the tools. I can’t tell you how many phone calls, office visits, and/or emails I have received in my teaching career from ecstatic students crowing about what they have just done with a spreadsheet model. I have been teaching courses related to spreadsheet based analysis and modeling for about 25 years and I have watched and participated in the spreadsheet revolution.

During that time, I have been a witness to the following observations:

• Each year has led to more and more demand for Excel based analysis and modeling skills, both from students, practitioners, and recruiters

• Excel has evolved as an ever more powerful suite of tools, functions, and capabilities, including the recent iteration and basis for this book—Excel 2007

• The ingenuity of Excel users to create applications and tools to deal with complex problems continues to amaze me

• Those students that preceded the spreadsheet revolution often find themselves at a loss as to where to go for an introduction to what is commonly taught to most many undergraduates in business and sciences.

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Spreadsheet Modeling

1.1 Introduction 

1.2 What’s anMBAtodo?

1.3 Why Model Problems? 

1.4 Why Model Decision Problems with Excel?

1.5 Spreadsheet Feng Shui/Spreadsheet Engineering

1.6 A Spreadsheet Makeover

1.6.1 Julia’s Business Problem—A Very Uncertain Outcome

1.6.2 Ram’sCritique

1.6.3 Julia’s New and Improved Workbook

1.7 Summary

2 Presentation of Quantitative Data 

2.1 Introduction 

2.2 DataClassification

2.3 DataContext andDataOrientation

2.3.1 Data Preparation Advice

2.4 Types of Charts and Graphs

2.4.1 Ribbons and the Excel Menu System

2.4.2 Some Frequently Used Charts 

2.4.3 Specific Steps for Creating a Chart

2.5 An Example of Graphical Data Analysis and Presentation 

2.5.1 Example—Tere’s Budget for the 2nd Semester of College 38

2.5.2 CollectingData 

2.5.3 SummarizingData 

2.5.4 AnalyzingData 

2.5.5 PresentingData 

2.6 Some Final Practical Graphical Presentation Advice 

2.7 Summary

3 Analysis of Quantitative Data

3.1 Introduction

3.2 What isDataAnalysis?

3.3 DataAnalysisTools

3.4 DataAnalysis forTwoDataSets

3.4.1 TimeSeriesData—VisualAnalysis

3.4.2 Cross-Sectional Data—Visual Analysis

3.4.3 Analysis of Time Series Data—Descriptive Statistics 

3.4.4 Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data—Descriptive Statistics 

3.5 Analysis of Time Series Data—Forecasting/Data


3.5.1 Graphical Analysis 

3.5.2 Linear Regression

3.5.3 Covariance and Correlation

3.5.4 Other Forecasting Models

3.5.5 Findings

3.6 Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data—Forecasting/Data


3.6.1 Findings

3.7 Summary

4 Presentation of Qualitative Data 

4.1 Introduction—What is Qualitative Data? 

4.2 Essentials of Effective Qualitative Data Presentation 

4.2.1 Planning for Data Presentation and Preparation 

4.3 DataEntryandManipulation

4.3.1 Tools for Data Entry and Accuracy 

4.3.2 Data Transposition to Fit Excel 

4.3.3 DataConversionwiththeLogical IF

4.3.4 Data Conversion of Text from Non-Excel Sources 

4.4 Data queries with Sort, Filter, and Advanced Filter 

4.4.1 SortingData 

4.4.2 Filtering Data

4.4.3 Filter

4.4.4 Advanced Filter

4.5 AnExample 

4.6 Summary 

5 Analysis of Qualitative Data 

5.1 Introduction 

5.2 Essentials of Qualitative Data Analysis 

5.2.1 DealingwithDataErrors

5.3 PivotChart or PivotTable Reports

5.3.2 PivotTables

5.3.3 PivotCharts

5.4 TiendaMía.com Example—Question 

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